Amplifying actions together
The SDG2 Advocacy Hub coordinates global campaigning and advocacy to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2: To end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030.
The Hub brings together NGOs, advocacy groups, civil society, the private sector and UN agencies to share expertise, ideas, and to collaborate on campaigns so that our overall impact as a community of influencers is increased.
By convening networks and diverse actors, influencing and amplifying policies, creating innovative communications, advocacy, and events, this network of partners are able to amplify actions together to reach SDG2.

Civil Society
Working with local, regional, and international NGOs partners to amplify global campaigning and advocacy efforts, the SDG2 Advocacy Hub supports initiatives and solutions from local to global voices, amplifying civil society work on the ground.

Governments and National Bodies
Influencing policy messaging and implementation, governments play a key role in moving the needle on SDG2, making national commitments and influencing other countries to adopt best policies and practices.

UN Agencies
Coordinating across the UN agencies with a common vision of promoting food security and eliminating the root causes of hunger (WFP, FAO, IFAD), as well with parallel agencies working on common goals to alleviate poverty and build resilience (World Bank, WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, etc.), the SDG2 Advocacy Hub brings together voices across the UN bodies.

Private Sector
Companies, businesses, retail and other private sector actors hold a strong influence over consumers, policy makers and decision makers, and are increasingly engaged in working towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Working with the private sector, creating synergies and influencing best practices is part of achieving common goals towards SDG2.

Research Institutes, Academia and Think Tanks
Building evidence and data while providing the science and analysis on trends and recommendations is crucial to understand the missing pieces and solutions to achieving our goals. The SDG2 Advocacy Hub works across research and scientific institutes to bring up to date data and analysis to support global advocacy initiatives.