We’ve had Enough!

Of worsening news and harrowing deaths. Of accepting the bare minimum and tolerating lacking leadership. Of temperatures rising, cost-of-living skyrocketing and the commitment of those we elected plummeting.

We’ve had enough of the companies who poison our earth. We’ve had enough of depending on food banks, facing eye watering bills and choosing between heating and eating. We’ve had enough of malnutrition robbing the potential of children, generation after generation.

We are done with funding the same problems year after year because the underlying causes never get resolved. We are done with broken systems, broken promises, and broken lives.

We are a coalition of everyone fighting the global food crisis. We are boiling with rage that this man-made catastrophe was allowed to unfold.

For the 43 million people facing emergency levels of hunger or the risk of famine.
For the 735 million people unsure where their next meal is coming from.
For the malnourished generations robbed of their potential.
For the communities suffering on the frontline of the climate emergency.

We are energised, ready, hungry

Hungry for powerful, effective, moral leadership.
Hungry to save lives now.
Hungry to fight the root causes so we may never need to again.

Our Demands

Multiple, compounding crises have led to a dramatic rise in hunger and malnutrition. We need action to meet immediate needs AND we must break the cycle of crises.

In order to secure more sustainable, climate resilient, nutritious and affordable food systems, Hungry for Action is making the following calls to political leaders and multilateral donors:

1. Save lives now

Urgent Assistance
  • Provide the humanitarian assistance needed now to respond to prevent famine for the 43 million people facing emergency levels of hunger or the risk of famine.
Increase Funding
  • Scale up cash assistance and food and essential lifesaving nutrition services to reach millions of households in the most affected countries across the world.

2. Build resilience and secure the future now

New Models & Systems
  • Overhaul the current model of food and farming that has deepened inequality, reduced resilience to shocks, and entrenched environmentally damaging practices.
  • Improve nutrition through health, food, WASH and social protection systems.
Funding & Investment
  • Double funding for climate adaptation.
  • Invest in small-scale food producers.
  • Cancel poor countries’ debts.

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