The SDG2 Advocacy Hub conducts all its business with integrity, within legal and ethical boundaries. We have developed policies and procedures that address safeguarding, diversity and inclusion, staff wellbeing, bully and harassment, and whistleblowing.

Safeguarding Policy
SDG2 Advocacy Hub Safeguarding Policy


1. Commitment to Safeguarding

The SDG2 Advocacy Hub is committed to the highest standards of safeguarding and protection for all children and vulnerable adults/adults at risk of harm, who may be involved in or affected by our activities. We recognise our responsibility to ensure a safe environment and take all necessary measures to prevent and respond to any form of abuse, harm, or neglect. Our goal is to create a culture of safety and respect, where individuals are protected and their rights are upheld.


2. Definitions

Child: For the purposes of this policy, a child is defined as any individual under the age of 18, as outlined by international conventions and national laws.

Adult at risk of harm / vulnerable adult: Someone 18 years or older and may be unable to protect themselves from harm, abuse, or exploitation. This could be due to factors, including: age, disability, illness, mental illness, and physical or mental impairment.


3. Definitions of Abuse, Harm, and Neglect
  • Abuse: Any action that intentionally harms or endangers an individual’s physical or emotional well-being. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Physical Abuse: Inflicting physical injury through actions such as hitting, shaking, or burning.

    • Emotional Abuse: Actions or statements that undermine an individual’s self-worth or emotional well-being, such as constant criticism or threats.

    • Sexual Abuse: Any sexual activity with an individual that is non-consensual, including exploitation and harassment.

    • Psychological Abuse: Causing severe emotional distress through manipulative or harmful behaviour.

  • Harm: Any detrimental effect on an individual’s health and development, whether physical, emotional, or psychological.

  • Neglect: The failure to provide necessary care or meet the basic needs of an individual, which can include food, shelter, medical care, and emotional support.


4. Safeguarding Procedures

To ensure the safety of children and adults at risk, the SDG2 Advocacy Hub has, and will continue to  implement the following measures:

  • Risk Assessments: Evaluations of potential risks associated with our activities and environments, ensuring that any risks are identified and mitigated.

  • Safe Recruitment: Thorough vetting and background checks for all staff and volunteers who may have direct or indirect contact with children and adults at risk.

  • Training: Mandatory safeguarding training for all employees, volunteers, and partners. This training will cover recognising signs of abuse, appropriate responses, and reporting procedures.

  • Code of Conduct: A clear code of conduct outlining expected behaviours and boundaries when interacting with children and adults at risk.

  • Monitoring and Review: Regular reviews of safeguarding practices and policies to ensure they remain effective and up-to-date.


5. Reporting Safeguarding Concerns

If you have concerns about safeguarding or suspect that abuse, harm, or neglect may have occurred, please report the issue as follows:

  • Immediate Reporting: Contact the Safeguarding Designated Officer (SDO) directly. Provide all relevant information and ensure the report is made as soon as possible.

  • Formal Reporting: Submit a written report detailing the nature of the concern, the individuals involved, and any actions taken. This report should be submitted to the SDO.


6. Safeguarding Designated Officer (SDO)

The Safeguarding Designated Officer (SDO) is responsible for overseeing safeguarding concerns and ensuring appropriate responses. The SDO for the SDG2 Advocacy Hub is:

  • SDO:
    Name: Keren Allen
    Contact Information:

  • DSDO:
    Name: Julia Movshovich
    Contact Information:  

If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact the SDO immediately. If the SDO is unavailable, or if the concern involves the SDO, report to the Deputy Safeguarding Officer or the next appropriate authority.


7. Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures

The SDG2 Advocacy Hub has established procedures to address complaints and disciplinary issues related to safeguarding concerns:

  • Complaints Procedure: Individuals can submit complaints through our official complaints process. All complaints will be reviewed promptly and impartially.

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