On July 25th, Ação da Cidadania and Hungry For Action launched the #EmptyPlates (#PratosVaziosNão) activation to raise awareness about global hunger.
This event, at the Museum of Tomorrow, attracted journalists from TV Brasil, EFE, and AP for photos and interviews with spokespeople. It coincided with Brazil’s announcement of the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty and the release of the UN’s SOFI 2024 report.

The campaign garnered extensive media coverage in Brazil and significant social media support from NGOs and activists.

Rodrigo Afonso, Executive Director of Ação da Cidadania, said

The only way to beat world hunger is for countries to act in coordination and put policy at the front of their agenda. Rich countries have to invest in poor countries, they have to look at it as a problem that affects everyone.
A person in hunger can’t reach for a job, doesn’t have good health, doesn’t have anything. People need to have the basic access to water and food first and after that, they can try to access everything else.

Media coverage for #emptyplates in Brazil


The coverage was positive, emphasizing the campaign’s objectives in light of the SOFI report, which revealed that over 700 million people worldwide are affected by hunger, and the efforts of the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty.

Empty Plates on social media
