Breaking the Cycle of Food Crises: Exploring the Financing Landscape April 10, 2024


Right now 783 million people are hungry, chronic hunger is affecting a fifth of Africa’s population. The climate and debt crises are worsening the situation.

As the World Bank and IMF Spring Meetings near, Hungry for Action, in partnership with OXFAM in Africa, will convene a webinar to discuss how we can unlock the financing needed to tackle the global food crisis and drive progress towards SDG2 and climate goals. The panel of experts will delve into financing priorities including multilateral development bank reforms, debt relief, and the opportunity of the forthcoming IDA Replenishment.

This session will explore why unlocking more and better  financing is key to breaking the cycle of food crises and accelerating progress towards SDG2 and what it could deliver for the broader SDG and climate agendas.

What do we want to achieve?

This session envisions two main outcomes as follows: 

  • Increased youth and smallholder farmer awareness and public campaigning for reversing the trends on food security and nutrition financing gaps and income and gender inequalities. 
  • A catalog of new ideas and proposals is produced to engage multilateral development banks and African Food Systems Parliamentary Network on food security priorities.
Session Speakers:
  • Neema Lugangira, Member of Parliament Tanzania and Board Member of the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and IMF
  • Sessi Akoha, Agricultural Economist and MEAL Expert at West African Network of Peasants and Agricultural Producers (ROPPA)
  • Zacharey Carmichael, Senior Economist, World Bank Agriculture and Food Global Practice, World Bank CRW ERF Technical Coordinator for Food Security Crises and Global Alliance for Food Security (GAFS) Secretariat
  • Friederike Roder, Vice President, Global Policy and Advocacy, Global Citizen

9:00 – 10:00 hrs EDT, 13:00 – 14:00 hrs GMT, 14:00 – 15:00 hrs WAT, 16:00 – 17:00 hrs EAT

Breaking the Cycle of Food Crises: Exploring the Financing Landscape

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