Road to Kampala – Advancing nutrition in Africa
The SDG2 Advocacy Hub, Zero Hunger Coalition, GAIN, Shamba Centre for Food and Climate and the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement will host the Road to Kampala, bringing together experts and stakeholders through a series of three subject-specific webinars, each tackling critical issues that align with the priorities of the new African agricultural framework. This first webinar will focus on the intersection of agriculture and nutrition, emphasising the need to strengthen food systems to deliver healthy diets and ensure better nutrition outcomes across the continent, with cross-cutting themes of gender and financing.

International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste

NYC Goalkeepers Empty Plates Food Truck : Join us for a global wake-up call on hunger in New York
In collaboration with Goalkeepers, we are excited to bring Empty Plates to New York in September on the sidelines of the 79th UN General Assembly! A global movement organised through Hungry for Action, Empty Plates aims to increase awareness of the global food crisis, pressurize G20 leaders to action on a Global Plan to end the food crisis and drive engagement and participation through powerful campaigning activations around the world at key moments.
Already making waves in 2024 in London, Rio and Kigali, NYC offers a unique opportunity to engage with key stakeholders, decision makers, advocates and chefs, to urge leaders to take action on the global food crisis.
September 22, 2-5pm
September 23, 11am-4pm
Join us to call for action!
On September 22-23:
- Take an empty plate and take a picture of yourself holding it.
- Post the picture on social media on September 23.
- Use the hashtags #emptyplates, #GoalKeepers2030, #UNGA79 and #G20.
- Tag @HungryforAct on X and @hungryforaction on Instagram.
The Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty
To accelerate progress towards SDG2, Hungry for Action has been calling for a global plan to drive collective action that would align policy priorities, improve coordination, reduce fragmentation, support country leadership and implementation capacity, mobilise adequate financing and promote greater accountability. A global plan would demonstrate much-needed political leadership to end the food crisis now and break the cycle of crises. This year, President Lula and Brazil’s presidency of the G20 have championed and announced a Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, embodying the global plan’s key components. This is a necessary step to mobilize the global community around a joint agenda to end hunger and malnutrition in all its forms.
The SOFI report
The 2024 report, included a thematic focus on financing for SDG2, quantifying how much funding is needed to end food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition and identified innovative financing options to address the major drivers of food insecurity and malnutrition as well as transform food systems.
We applaud and celebrate Brazil’s leadership and call on other world leaders and the G20 governments to:
- Join the Alliance
- Work together on actioning a Global Plan
- Deliver the financing needed
Together, we can end the global food crisis, now and forever. To call for action from world leaders, sign this open letter.
Follow the campaign on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram. Full assets and campaign messaging to include in social media posts are uploaded here.

Partnerships to Catalyze Action to End Hunger and Malnutrition
Join Partnerships to Catalyze Action to End Poverty, Hunger and Malnutrition, a side event hosted by World Vision International, the SDG2 Advocacy Hub, Hungry for Action, BRAC, Ação da Cidadania and the Government of Brazil.
With high-level speakers and representatives, the side event will spotlight the global food crisis and reflect on the impact of rising inequality, poverty, malnutrition and hunger on children and vulnerable groups while showcasing successful partnerships that unite stakeholders to tackle these critical challenges. The event calls on world leaders to endorse the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty and mobilise the support of the international community.
RSVP here or tune into the livestream here.

Healthy Plate – Healthy Planet
HEALTHY PLATE – HEALTHY PLANET – 2 October 2024 – Register now!
- Hosted By: Culinary Medicine UK
- Date & Time: Wednesday, 2nd October 2024, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
- Location: Westminster Kingsway College, Victoria Centre, London, SW1P 2PD
Join Culinary Medicine UK for a groundbreaking event that will help shape the future of the culinary industry.
Help to build a more sustainable food system with key stakeholders
This innovative event will bring together stakeholders from various industries and academia to elevate the conversation around the food and hospitality industries, as well as public sector catering services for healthcare, education institutions, care homes, prisons, and business catering.
Nutritional researchers from the Food and Mood Academy at Deakin University will share their latest research, alongside food industry guests who will present innovative ideas for healthy and sustainable food practices.
Together, we can work towards creating healthier plates that contribute to a healthier planet and improved public health. Register now and get ready to explore the connection between food, mood, and a healthier planet.
Culinary Medicine UK is a community interest company made up of a multi-professional team working across healthcare, culinary medicine and research with the aim of promoting “sustainable, affordable, equitable and healthy food for all”. Learn more about Culinary Medicine UK here.
Culinary Medicine UK are taking action in line with the Chefs’ Manifesto Action Plan, including Thematic Area 7: Education on food safety & healthy diets. To learn more about the connection between the Chefs’ Manifesto and Culinary Medicine, attend the event!

South Africa Chefs’ Manifesto Action Hub – Save the Date!
South Africa Chefs’ Manifesto Action Hub – 8 September 2024 – Save the Date!
Hungry for change? Take action for a better food future at the South Africa Chefs’ Manifesto Action Hub on September 8th!
Chefs, researchers, educators, policymakers and food enthusiasts will come together for inspiring discussions, peer-to-peer learning, educational sessions, research insights, and more! All with the goal of driving action to transform food systems.
Register your interest to join the Chefs’ Manifesto with our partner, the Food Evolution Research Laboratory (FERL) School of Tourism & Hospitality in the College of Business and Economics at University of Johannesburg!
The Chefs’ Manifesto is a chef-led project that brings together 1500+ chefs from around the world to explore how they can help deliver a sustainable food system.
For event inquiries, please contact clare@sdg2advocacyhub.org.

Empty Plates Campaign: Get ready for a global wake-up call on hunger
On Thursday, 25 July, Hungry for Action will activate the Empty Plates campaign in London and Rio de Janeiro. In London, prominent Chefs will serve approximately 750 empty plates – each plate representing 1 million people going hungry worldwide. They will be supported by advocates and numerous food champions, in person and remotely by others in various locations across the globe. The launch of the Empty Plates campaign will coincide with the announcement of the G20 Brazilian-led Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty and the launch of the highly anticipated United Nations annual State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) 2024 report that will update the latest data on hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition worldwide.
Hundreds of millions of people have nothing to put on their plates every day. They go to sleep hungry. It is outrageous and unacceptable that global hunger is rising in 2024 and that too many children are being robbed of their future potential due to malnutrition when we know many solutions exist; only concerted action from governments can fix it.
Join us to take action!
On the 25th of July:
- Take an empty plate and take a picture of yourself holding it.
- Post the picture on social media on 25th July.
- Use the hashtags #emptyplates and #G20.
- Tag @HungryforAct on X and @hungryforaction on Instagram.
The Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty
To accelerate progress towards SDG2, Hungry for Action has been calling for a global plan to drive collective action that would align policy priorities, improve coordination, reduce fragmentation, support country leadership and implementation capacity, mobilise adequate financing and promote greater accountability. A global plan would demonstrate much-needed political leadership to end the food crisis now and break the cycle of crises. This year, President Lula and Brazil’s presidency of the G20 have championed and plan to launch a Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, embodying the global plan’s key components. This is a necessary step to mobilize the global community around a joint agenda to end hunger and malnutrition in all its forms.
The SOFI report
Since 1999, the SOFI reports have measured progress in reducing global hunger. In the last several years, they have documented a reversal in the trend due to conflict, climate change, economic shocks, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and persistent poverty and inequality. The world is not on track to achieve SDG2 by 2030, and urgent, coordinated action is required to address these multifaceted drivers of hunger and malnutrition.
The 2024 report, according to the UN, will include a thematic focus on financing for SDG2, quantifying how much funding is needed to end food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition and will identify innovative financing options to address the major drivers of food insecurity and malnutrition as well as transform food systems.
We applaud and celebrate Brazil’s leadership and call on other G20 governments to:
- Join the Alliance
- Work together on actioning a Global Plan
- Deliver the financing needed
Together, we can end the global food crisis, now and forever.
Follow the campaign on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram. Full assets and campaign messaging to include in social media posts are uploaded here.

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024: Special Event on Financing to End Hunger, Food Insecurity and Malnutrition in All its Forms

#beansonthemenu UK virtual launch webinar
On 3 June, 3pm, join us for the #beansonthemenu UK virtual launch. An “ask me anything” designed for chefs and other food service professionals, this webinar will provide further insights on how to participate, feature a few experts who will give brief insights into the benefits of beans – nutritional, environmental and affordability — and provide early examples about how to incorporate beans to your menu.
Featured speakers:
Tim Spector
Chef Sohini Banjeree (Smoke and Lime)
Chef Bettina Campolucci Bordi (Bettina’s Kitchen)
Josiah Meldrum (Hodmedod Ltd)
Amelia Christie-Miller (Bold Bean Co.)
Dr Caspar Chater (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew)
Elphee Medici (Expert Nutrition and Sustainable Diets Consultant)
Visit http://www.beansonthemenu.com/ to learn more

Well Fed at the Wharf!

Coordinated action against the global food crisis – how the G7 and G20 can save lives, build resilience and secure the future
In 2022, an estimated 691 to 783 million individuals worldwide experienced hunger. The majority of those facing hunger resided in Asia (55%) and Africa (38%). Among children under the age of 5, 22.3% (148.1 million) suffered from stunted growth, 6.8% (45 million) were wasted, and 5.6% (37 million) were overweight. Alarmingly, approximately 75% of children under 5 affected by stunting lived in countries experiencing conflict. The situation is equally dire for adolescent girls and women, with over one billion experiencing undernutrition, which includes being underweight and having short stature, deficiencies in essential micronutrients, and anaemia. These conditions have devastating consequences for their lives and well-being. Most recently, deteriorating food security has been seen in Sudan where 18 million people face acute hunger while famine looms in Gaza.
Global hunger is reaching new heights as the global food crisis – driven by fragile food systems, climate change, conflict, economic downturns, inequality, high food prices and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic – reverses decades of progress. Among those most affected are children who, in critical stages of growth, are being deprived of what they need most: a safe and healthy future on a livable planet. The next generation is being born into a cycle of malnutrition.
At the same time, smallholder farmers face compounding challenges. An El Niño-triggered drought has forced Malawi to declare a state of disaster as severe crop damage impacts 2 million farming households and leaves 20 million people in need of food assistance. The world over, smallholder farmers are on the frontlines of our food systems and the climate crisis and yet receive less than 2% of climate finance, are overlooked in global fora and face barriers to accessing markets and agriculture inputs.
Urgent and coordinated action is needed now to break the cycles of food crises and transform food systems to deliver for people and the planet. We know the solutions needed. The G7 must play a critical role in galvanising action to save lives, build resilience and secure the future. The Government of Italy has shown leadership on the issue of food security with the creation of the L’Aquila Food Security Initiative in 2008. This year’s Italian Presidency has the ambition to launch the new Apulia Food Security Initiative while the Brazilian G20 Presidency has announced a Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty. These initiatives are critical opportunities to get the world back on track and bring an end to the cycle of food crises. Join us for this official parallel session of the Civil 7 Summit.
Session Aim:
- Raise the visibility of the global food crisis at the C7 Summit ahead of the June G7 Leaders Summit
Session Objectives:
- Bring to light the global food crisis with voices from affected countries, including child advocates
- Elevate the policy recommendations of the C7 Food Sovereignty and Food Systems Transformation Working Group to influence the shaping of the G7 food security and nutrition initiative, including the vital role of the Committee on World Food Security
- Champion the idea of a global plan at the G7 and G20 that would improve leadership, coordination and accountability on the global food crisis
- Alice Macdonald, Campaign Director of Hungry for Action
- Musa Sowe, Coordinator of C7 Food Sovereignty and Food Systems Transformation WG
- Vicente Bezerra, Brazil Alternate Representative of Brazil
- Andrea Galante, Senior Policy Advisor for Food Security and Nutrition, World Vision International
- Alberta Guerra, CSOs Liaison Officer, GAFSP
- Lucy Esipila, Regional Secretary General, Caritas Africa
- Stephen Ruvuga, Executive Director, MVIWATA

United Kingdom Chefs’ Manifesto Action Hub – Evolving Food Futures
United Kingdom Chefs’ Manifesto Action Hub – 14-15 June 2024 – Evolving Food Futures; 9am-5pm
Are you hungry for change? Join chefs, growers, gardeners, educators, policymakers, restauranteurs, academics and others affected by and interested in contributing to a better food future to share, discuss, learn and be inspired by projects, ideas and research for the food future we want to build together.
The two days will be divided into four sessions, exploring the cycle of food from soil to plate and touching on key aspects like how to improve access to healthy and nutritious food where it is most needed and how to measure and reduce the carbon footprint of our food choices. Register your interest today. To register: https://www.omvedgardens.com/chefs-manifesto-london-action-hub-2024