The latest SOFI report shows Africa remains the region with the largest estimated proportion of the population facing hunger – 20.4 per cent, compared with 8.1 per cent in Asia, 6.2 per cent in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 7.3 percent in Oceania. Acute food insecurity reached a historic high of 281.6 million people across 59 countries, and 36 million people in 39 countries were on the brink of famine. It is projected that 582 million people will be chronically undernourished at the end of the decade and that more than half of them will be in Africa.

The Post-Malabo Process provides a structured framework for African countries to tackle food insecurity and malnutrition by improving agricultural productivity, building resilience, and ensuring accountability. If fully implemented and supported, it has the potential to make significant strides in ending the global food crisis, particularly in Africa, and driving food systems transformation for the benefit of people and the planet. The Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty is an opportunity to support the implementation of the Post-Malabo Process.

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