Helping children get on board with beans takes a village – or even a school! That’s what the BeanMeals research project found when it worked with primary schools to encourage children to try bean-based meals.

BeanMeals is a research project based at the University of Oxford, that ran from June 2022 to November 2024. Taking a food system approach, researchers tested how growing, supplying and eating UK-grown beans could contribute towards a more sustainable, healthier food system that supports livelihoods. The navy beans used in the project, Capulet and Godiva, have been developed at the University of Warwick to be quick-cooking and suited to grow in the UK.

Part of the project focused on six schools in Leicester City and Leicestershire County to learn how to create demand for a sustainable, affordable and healthy ingredient that’s currently overlooked. In parallel with the introduction of the bean-based meals on the school menu, project partner Food for Life Soil Association developed classroom curriculum materials. They trained teachers, midday supervisors and school cooks to further their knowledge around cooking with beans. Additionally, a BeanMeals engagement officer worked with the pupils to encourage them to feel excited about trying unfamiliar foods.

Playing with Pulses

In the classroom, pupils learned about the benefits of adding pulses to their diets via lessons in healthy eating, food systems and food waste; they also took part in cooking and food growing sessions. A favourite learning tool was Beantopia, a board game that BeanMeals co-designed with children. The game brings the food system alive and helps players understand that beans are healthy and sustainable. 

The researchers found that working with staff right across the school when introducing a novel food (in this case, dried beans) increased the excitement around beans when the pupils made lunchtime choices.

Key learnings from this part of the BeanMeals project include the importance of consulting children about food choices and ensuring flexibility with school menus to make them appealing to children from a range of food cultures. 

See who’s putting #beansonthemenu