We are often being told that buying local and seasonal is best, but why? Does it really have an impact on eating in a climate conscious way?


Transport emissions are reduced

The short answer is yes! buying local and seasonal is more climate conscious. According to new research conducted by Nature Food nearly 20% of overall food production emmissions are from transportation. And approximately 36% of fruit and vegetable emissions are from transport. So buying food that’s grown locally can help lower those emissions. It’s worth buying local and seasonal from this perspective alone, but there are other benefits too.

Better taste

Local grown food, that doesn’t have to travel, is picked near ripe giving it a more authentic and better flavour. Fruits in particularly benefit from ripening on the ‘vine’. Local food that is in season is at its best, why wouldn’t you want that on your menu?

Improved healthย benefits

Less time travelling means produce is fresher so vitamin and mineral content stays intact. Fruits and vegetables start to lose their nutrients as soon as 24 hours after picking so the fresher the better.

Reduced costs

Transportation costs are added to the cost of the food, so buying local makes financial sense for your business. Preservatives may be used to keep food ‘fresh’ adding costs as well as affecting flavour.

Supports your local economy

Being in contact with and supporting local farmers keeps your business relevant in your community. It can provide a unique selling point for your customers and allows you to tell interesting stories about your menu.


Climate Conscious Catering Chef Pinky Maruping enthuses:

“Locally sourced ingredients reduce transport emissions vs foods that travel thousands of kilometers to reach our plates. Seasonal ingredients taste better, are less inexpensive, more nutritious, and help fight illnesses the new seasons might bring.”

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