The SDG2 Advocacy gathered key voices across the SDG2 space to co-create a day of joint learning, and networking on September 21st, on the sidelines of UNGA 78 High-level week.  

We were pleased to have had guest speakers including David Nabarro setting the scene and Afshan Khan for a Fireside Chat. The day looked across 3 sessions: Saving Lives Now, Building Resilience, Securing the Future, bringing in voices from the SDG2 network: AGREA, CGIAR, COP28 Presidency, FAO, Feeding America, FOLU, Global Food Banking Network, Global Wasting Coalition, Harvard Kennedy School, Hesat2030, IFAD, IRC, Micronutrient Forum, NYU Steinhardt, Sharing Strategies, Scaling Up Nutrition, World Bank, World Vision International and participants from a wide range of stakeholders.

Download the review for more information.

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