This year’s theme is
‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress”.

Women’s economic empowerment is central to a gender equal world. When women are given equal opportunities to earn, learn and lead – entire communities thrive. Good food is critical for realising this vision, ensuring that girls and women can access and afford nutritious food for a well nourished and productive future. This is why chefs can play such a vital role in supporting and uplifting women.
We asked several wonderful chefs to share:
1) How they work to accelerate progress in food systems, and
2) How they are working with the women in their food communities to uplift and support them.
Read their answers below!
This International Women’s Day, let’s unite to transform challenges into opportunities and shape a better future for all!
Alejandra Espinoza


Alejandra Espinoza


  1. To help accelerate progress in food systems, I am training my teams via knowledgeable professionals so we can implement better circular systems that support our waste impact in our community.
  2. I work with women in my community to uplift and support them by empowering them with real tools on how to handle problems. sharing podcasts, books, personal experiences, and bringing in [inspiring] speakers.


Ali Honour

Climate-conscious Chef and Advocate

Ali Honour

Climate-conscious Chef and Advocate

  1. My work centres around sustainability in the food system, food waste and the future of food and ending world hunger. I have been helping accelerate progress through campaigns like “Beans is How” and “Climate Conscious Catering” by promoting the benefits of incorporating beans into diets as a sustainable protein source, emphasising their low environmental impacts compared to meat production. In doing this, by advocating for the consumption of beans, I am helping to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, conserving water resources, and promoting biodiversity.
  2. To uplift women, I choose to work with many women in the global food community. We are advocating for positive change with many collaborations and events; providing opportunities, resources, and mentorship, empowering women to thrive in the culinary industry; fostering inclusivity and enriching the food community with diverse perspectives and talents; contributing to gender equality and creating a more equitable and just food system. Such as at the recent 5th of March Bean Supper Club held at Fortnum and Mason with Bold Beans Co. This was very women-led!


Bettina Campolucci Bordi

Plantbased and Sustainble Chef

Bettina Campolucci Bordi

Plantbased and Sustainble Chef

  1. I believe being aware is the first step to accelerating progress as well as working consciously to support women led businesses whether it is in farming, food technology, ingredients, products. Including peers in the food and beverage industry & food systems.
  2. Most of my students & clients within my main wellness business are females looking to change careers or make a significant change in their lives. We have social support in the form of an online community and also a support group where the students support each other in their future endeavours. It is magic to follow the journeys of so many incredible women.


Dipika Biswas


Dipika Biswas


  1. I prioritize local, sustainable food systems by sourcing ingredients locally and supporting small-scale farmers. I reduce food waste by utilizing all parts of ingredients, planning inventory ahead, and creating seasonal menus & recipes. Through my culinary skills I always strive to motivate individuals to make thoughtful food choices, contributing to a stronger, more sustainable food network.
  2. I actively seek opportunities to support women not only in the food community but in the community as a whole through various initiatives, including creating an inclusive work environment, partnering with women-owned farms and businesses, and participating in events celebrating their talents, aiming to create a more equitable food industry.


Dora Rossi


Dora Rossi


  1. Preventing food waste is important to me. I educate my chefs to limit food waste as much as possible.
  2. I support many women farmers in my community by purchasing crops directly from them.


Ishtpreet Anand

Chef and Creative Strategist

Ishtpreet Anand

Chef and Creative Strategist

1.​​ Cooking from the heart is a trait often associated with women, and has been a cherished tradition passed down through generations. My mother, a culinary influence, instilled the importance of prayers and cooking with organic, local, and seasonal ingredients. Surrounded by talented and inspirational women in the food industry, I feel empowered each day.

Learning from these incredible chefs has been an enriching experience, highlighting the strength and creativity women bring to the culinary world. Having worked in male-dominated kitchens, I appreciate the unique and valuable perspective that women chefs bring.

2. The diversity of my girl home team from various regions in India is a constant source of inspiration in my culinary journey. Exploring the rich tapestry of regional seasonal recipes from the South, West, and East is a delightful exchange of knowledge. Simultaneously, I share the continental and European recipes I’ve gathered along my culinary path.

Our kitchen is a melting pot where experiences converge, culminating in a beautiful fusion of regional and international flavors. The collaborative spirit among us has sparked a desire to create, curate, and celebrate the unique culinary heritage each person brings to the table. With a vision for the future, I aspire to open an all-girl kitchen, fostering an environment where diverse talents can flourish and continue this vibrant exchange of culinary expertise.

The Chefs’ Manifesto serves as a guiding force, motivating me to strive for a better, more sustainable lifestyle. Growing up, we were ingrained with the importance of mindful living, but somewhere along the way, those values got diluted amidst external influences. It’s inspiring to rediscover the essence of local and seasonal cooking, a practice rooted in sustainability.

Proudly embracing my connection to local cooking, I find joy in adhering to practices instilled by my mother. Her commitment to minimizing waste by utilizing every bit of vegetable scraps for broths, stir-fries, or creative preps exemplifies the true spirit of sustainability. This journey back to our roots not only honors traditions but rekindles the vital connection between food and the environment, fostering a renewed dedication to mindful living.

I look forward to cooking and adhering to my mother and my grandmother’s values and cooking with a prayer on my lips using as many natural & seasonal ingredients as possible! Here is to recipes coming your way from my kitchen to Chefs’ Manifesto’s Instagram!


Mokgadi Itsweng

Sustainable Chef and Author

Mokgadi Itsweng

Sustainable Chef and Author

  1. I am accelerating progress in the food system by advocating for mother nature and our health. My work is centered around educating my community on climate smart food and cooking, opening them up to a more conscious plate, and using indigenous knowledge as the foundation. 
  2. Women form the core of my community. I work with female owned businesses in every aspect of the agricultural value chain. I also mentor and promote young female chefs coming in the industry, because  I was also mentored by great women in the industry.


Tashyaa Mehrotra

Head Chef at People of Tomorrow

Tashyaa Mehrotra

Head Chef at People of Tomorrow

The Head Chef at People of Tomorrow is changing the age old perception surrounding plant based cooking. She is out to redefine the boundaries of vegan cuisine, showcasing its depth and richness. Her innovative approach to vegan cuisine challenges conventional norms, creating dishes that not only please the palate but also champion sustainability that align with her commitment towards creating a safer, healthy, ecologically responsible environment.

  1. Food holds great power to contribute progress to society and the chefs cooking the food served hold that power. With that thought in mind, the work chef’s manifesto is doing is surreal. With a commitment to sustainability, i believe im contributing to food progress in these ways:

 Sustainable Sourcing

  • It all begins from the source and it is important to respect nature and source ingredients accordingly. 
  • All ingredients apart from being locally sourced, are to a great extent seasonal too – this majorly reduces the environmental impact.
  • We all progress as a society when we empower and support local businesses and thus, that is always a criteria when finalising a vendor.

 Menu Development

  • The menu is diverse, representing various cooking styles and an array of ingredients.
  • Dishes are developed keeping a dish’s impact minimal on the environment too. Avocado’s are not sustainable in India, and thus, are not part of the menu and are only included if requested.
  • When I develop a dish, I constantly try to use all parts of the produce. There is so much we are not aware of and so, conversations with farmers and the direct source of your produce makes a huge difference. Currently I am working on a dish that uses all parts of the raw banana-the leaf, the peel and the flesh! 

Environmental and Social Impact

  • A plant-based menu is a step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to animal-based diets. So being a part of an organisation that serves food that is conscious to society & the environment.
  • Personally, I’m a firm believer of cooperation over competition and thus, collaborative work gives me immense joy. I head a kitchen that dishes out a menu created by 7 different chefs.

2.  The presence of women in the food community is increasing and I actively try to work and support more women in the industry. 

  • The menu at the restaurant is a collaboration between 7 different chefs, out of which 5 are females. 
  • Right from our artisanal pasta, desserts & bakery items are sourced from women-led businesses.
  • On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2024, I am participating in a 6 Hands sit down dinner – The Fifth edition of #ShefsAtTheLeela takes centre stage at The Leela Palace, Jaipur with 2 other extremely talented chefs, amplifying the presence of women in the kitchens, thereby cultivating a landscape that nurtures and inspires budding women chefs.


Shridula Chatterjee

Head Chef at Mezze Mambo

Shridula Chatterjee

Head Chef at Mezze Mambo

1. As a chef, and in my family, we’ve always believed in maintaining shorter supply chains by supporting the capacity of local food markets and street vendors to facilitate access to sustainable, seasonal, diverse and healthy daily diets. This way we also end up supporting the farmers as closely as possible. 

Additionally, I make it a point that the team of chefs at my restaurant are conscious of what goes in the bin, even during busy service hours. I feel ingraining such practices on a daily basis makes a big difference.

2. This season I grew Kohlrabis on my terrace garden but unfortunately I ran out of ideas on ways to use the lush green leaves that the vegetable came with. While working in the kitchen, my house help, Meera didi, suggested I make a traditional Bengali dish called ‘bataa’ – that would end up using the leaves of the vegetable. The recipe came out fantastic and was polished off within minutes!

At this point, I realised that women, especially those who are from rural towns and villages, have a far richer knowledge, understanding and expertise in cooking with the agendas that we are trying to incorporate into our habits and routines in the cities. Be it zero waste, seasonal & local produce, root to shoot or even using all parts of a meat or fish,  they know it all, making them the safe keepers of these traditional techniques.

I believe learning such recipes & techniques from them would not only encourage them but also support their craft and eventually make them value their own potential in making a better tomorrow.


Surabhi Sehgal

Plant Forward Chef

Surabhi Sehgal

Plant Forward Chef

  1. As a plant based chef I use my skills and creativity to accelerate food systems by promoting plant-based cuisine, sourcing ingredients sustainably, reducing food waste, and advocating for environmentally friendly practices in the culinary industry. I also use my platform to educate others about the benefits of plant-based diets for health, animal welfare, and the environment, thus influencing consumer choices and helping to shift food systems towards more sustainable practices.
  2. Having lived in six countries and working via social media I have learned that the only way to connect with your audience is through creatively curating your content and recipes, so that your audience does not feel forced or bored. I use local ingredients and whip up vibrant and nourishing recipes that are simple for anyone to cook in their kitchens and taste great. Over the years I’ve received thousands of messages from people all over the world telling me that my work has helped them eat better, to be more aware of the food they are eating, the cooking methods and the ingredients and produce that they use to cook.


Suzanne Barr

Chef, Author, Restauranteur, Social Advocate

Suzanne Barr

Chef, Author, Restauranteur, Social Advocate

  1. It is a testament to my passion and my commitment as a steward of these lands to accelerate food systems change and foster: 
  • Immersive culinary events 
  • The importance of cultural representation
  • Educating on biodiversity within our growing food system
  • Advocating for work-life balance
  • Creating more inclusive safe workplaces
  • Join our community become a member and shop with us @
  • Our monthly membership offers you an opportunity to have delicious nourishing food and social advocacy.

2. We at Suzanne Barr Food collaborate and create with organisations advocating for women’s rights and liberation for all such as:

  • Active member of MAPP –
  • Founder of The Dinettes Program –  The Dinettes – Non-Profit Holistic Training Facility

The Dinettes is a revolutionary cooperative approach providing the opportunity to learn, co-create, and share the risk of implementing vital, effective solutions for workplaces fully supporting 2 spirit, trans, non binary women, enhancing business productivity and promoting the next generation of women as industry leaders.

The Dinettes is an organisation that sits in the middle of a regenerative, full-circle model intended to function locally, but replicable globally and virtually.


Raashika Kulshreshta

Chef and Owner of Shubh Rasoi

Raashika Kulshreshta

Chef and Owner of Shubh Rasoi

  1. Yes, local for vocal has always been my motive, but soon I am coming up with a project that will help in sustaining water from our world. Recently, one of the major issues in India is Water scarcity, which made me think that even during cooking process we throw alot of water, so why not come for alternatives that can help in eradication of this issue. Yes, I know its at a small scale but atleast it can contribute to help find a solution for our survival problem because we human’s can’t survive without it.
  2. I have a mentor who gave me this inspiration to do this- Chef Anahita Dhondy. We woman in the kitchen don’t want priority but equality which is not found in our working culture or environment. 1 out of 30 kitchen would be there who provide equal opportunities to women. Yes, it’s changing but still the mentality is very narrow, yet these are the same men who want women to cook at their home’s.

A sad, disheartening fact that a nation where we worship goddess, even harrasment cases happens alot in the kitchen. This needs to change and why are we distinguishing between genders. Let’s work together and make all kitchens a well celebrated, safe and Lovable place to work and this can only happen when we together take this step.

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