Kombu & Crab Hummus By Chef James Taylor

Growing up in Whitby, North Yorkshire I developed an affinity with the sea.I first cooked with seaweed when I was being trained in macrobiotic cookery and since then have become more interested in it.
There’s an amazing seaweed farm just off the coast of Scarborough (@seagrown ) who use it to make seaweed food & beauty products. Seaweed doesn’t require fertilisers, pesticides or fresh water to grow, it’s an amazing absorber of carbon dioxide and is full of minerals.I love to work this superfood into as many of my dishes as possible.


  • 150g Dried Beans or peas of your choice (I used @hodmedods chickpeas)
  • 5 Tbsp Tahini
  • Bean Cooking Water (roughly 50g)
  • Juice of 1 small lemon
  • 1 Garlic Clove
  • 1 tbsp Kombu Salt Alternative from @seagrown (who run a seaweed farm just off the costs of Scarborough in the North Sea & make seaweed products)
  • 50g Cooked White Crab Meat
  • Olive Oil


  1. Soak the beans overnight. The next day drain, cover with fresh water bring to the boil and simmer for around 1 hour until soft.

  2. Drain & reserve the cooking water.

  3. Blend the chickpeas in a food processor (or blender if you prefer it very smooth) with the tahini, olive oil, Kombu, lemon juice and some of the bean water to achieve the right consistency

  4. Serve with the cooked white crab meat, Kombu sprinkled on top and a drizzle of olive oil.

See who’s putting #beansonthemenu