Pot Luck Pantry Stew By Chef Vince Kelly

This recipe is highly adaptable and a great way to use up all the odds and ends in your fridge, due to slow cooking method there is no need to peel vegetables or sweet potato naturally adding extra fibre. Also great for leftovers like chicken, salmon, or grilled haloumi.


  • 1 400g tin of black beans drained
  • 1 400g tin of chopped tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons tomato puree.
  • 1 large, sweet potato (skin on chopped)
  • 1 small 300g tin Sweetcorn(tinned)
  • 1 red onion (chopped)
  • 120g Quinoa (uncooked)
  • 1 tablespoon Chilli powder (8g)
  • 2 tablespoon Cumin (20g)
  • Vegetable stock (1 litre)


  1. β€’ Place all of the ingredients in the slow cooker on a low setting for 2 - 3 hours.

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